Monday, January 7, 2008

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Last month you experienced a massively important meeting of two powerhouse planets, Jupiter and Pluto, in the pinnacle point of your horoscope, the 10th house, ruling career honors, awards, achievement, and fame. Good fortune planet Jupiter was there to bring you an extraordinary opportunity to write your name in the night sky, now and in months and years to come. Pluto's presence showed that you are in the gradual process of completely transforming your professional life from the inside out, not only through your own efforts, but through the help of friends - something I will explain in more detail as you go through your report.

You may not yet know that you are in a period of powerful growth and transition, for usually during those periods, you are too busy "doing" to fully reflect upon the weight and potency of all that is happening around you. Certain moves and decisions you have made recently will prove very wise, and your influence will grow in direct measure to the work you put into your career. Jupiter was your ancient ruler before Neptune was discovered, giving Jupiter added power and emphasis in your horoscope, always.

A conjunction of two powerful planets isn't just "an interesting day," but in astrology heralds the birth of a new condition or element in your life that will extend for years into the future, until these two planets meet again in another conjunction. The die was cast at that conjunction, and now there will be no turning back - nor would you want to do that. A new and widening career path will continue to appear in front of you and you will take it. Your career will change in all the right ways, ever broadening your influence. There is no question that you will succeed, especially since you will have the support of groups and friends, possibly in a very grassroots way. Of course, you will have to apply earnest energy, but you've been doing that, in spades, for a long time!

Before last month, Jupiter and Pluto last met in conjunction in 1994 and 1995, so those years may have been important years to you. After having met in perfect conjunction last month on December 11, 2007, these two planets will continue to travel close in January before Jupiter speeds up and will be out of Pluto's earshot. The next conjunction is due in 2020, so this aspect will affect your career for the next twelve years. If you missed your vital December forecast, or forgot what it said, I had to fill you in here before we could look at the vastly changing picture that is shaping up for you, dear Pisces.

Also, as is the case with a conjunction - which in astrology always heralds the start of a new cycle - sometimes the seeds you plant don't immediately show results but will later, when other planets in your chart trigger the opportunity. Certainly if you did not make an important career decision, move, or initiation in late 2007, you will at some point in 2008. At the time you may assume your moves are "nothing special" but nothing could be farther from the truth. They will grow, especially those you initiated in early December, and continue to work in January.

Jupiter is now in Capricorn as of December 18, and will stay in your 11th house of hopes and wishes, friends, and groups from now on, for a full year. Anytime a big planet like Jupiter changes signs it is headline news! As you see, Jupiter has been doing nothing BUT making news in your chart. Jupiter has not been in Capricorn since 1996.

In Capricorn, Jupiter can be even more helpful to you, so the picture will change and brighten again. Jupiter is now in a compatible earth sign, one that blends fantastically well with Pisces water sign element. Earth and water is a very fertile combination!

The 11th house of the horoscope rules hopes and wishes, so in 2008 there will be no limit to how big and broad you can dream. This coming year could well become one of those magical years where one or two of your deeply held wishes really do materialize right before your eyes. We only get about seven of these years in our entire lifetime, as Jupiter only comes by for a year's visit once every twelve years. (His last, in this house, was in 1996.) Jupiter is not only the planet of good fortune, but of miracles too, so if you should need one, say your prayers, for a miracle is not out of the question this year.

What is particularly heartening is that Jupiter will work closely with Saturn to deliver your dream and give it staying power. Often these two very slow moving planets are at odds, but not now! Moreover, Jupiter will be in such fine angle to your Sun, giving it more opportunity to help you.

Your friends and acquaintances, and even casual contacts, are also ruled by the 11th house, and now will grow in number and importance to you. In fact, your Rolodex will practically explode with new names. These people may seem a little different from your usual gang of friends you have now and may form a new, separate subgroup for you. This is logical - as your interests and goals change, so do the people with whom you surround yourself.

They will be influential and successful, and some may even work in the banking, real estate, or other money-oriented fields. (This is a real switch for you! They may also work in antiques or with some sort of historical material.) You will find that many of your new pals will do substantial charity or humanitarian work. These people will be big thinkers, there is no doubt of that, and they will inspire you to roll up your sleeves, too.

There is another twist to this that I would like you to think about. The 11th house that will be so lit up for you also rules communities, groups, and clubs. Anytime we find people linked to a common interest or goal, it is defined as a group, and these are where your golden nuggets lie in 2008.

I feel you may get involved with - or even create - communities, whether in real life or more fascinating, possibly online. Our world is increasingly focused on Internet social networks and communities, and this year, you may be a founder of a virtual community. Or, you may accept a leadership position in a real life group. If you do, you will gain much experience that you can transfer to your job and other parts of life.

You should consider joining at least one club this year, whether that is social or professional. Open yourself up to new experiences, interests, and people. Your romantic life will benefit too from being out and about, for Jupiter will be found in the house opposite the 5th house of true love all year.

As is often the case, planetary energy bounces back and forth between two houses found opposite on the wheel. You will be invited to many more parties and gatherings than usual this year, and you must go! Weddings, charity benefits, birthday parties, ribbon cuttings, open houses, cocktail parties, dinner parties, art openings, and concerts - the works! You may want to do more entertaining at home too, and that would be a very good idea.

Your romantic life should perk up this year, particularly in your banner months of March, April, and early May, when Mars will be brightening your 5th house of new love. If you are single, those are your months to meet someone, and if married, those are the months when you have more time to step off the treadmill of life to enjoy one another.

Later, over the Fourth of July weekend, on the new moon, July 2, your love life could also show exciting developments. If you live in the USA, that's the holiday weekend you want to be away, mixing and mingling with others! Book that cottage rental where other singles go to enjoy time off! If you live in a country other than the USA, take your vacation in early July for best romantic luck. You don't need our Independence Day to create your own fun holiday!

There are other ways to meet people this year, and I want you to investigate all of them. Plan to go to the key trade shows and seminars in your industry this year - you need to mix, mix, mix! You will learn a great deal now by talking street talk, much more than you would if you were holed up in your office. Keep reminding yourself that your biggest gains in 2008 will come through friends, contacts, and communities of people.

As if having Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your house of friends, hopes, and wishes were not enough, there is more news!

Pluto, the extremely powerful and beneficial planet of renewal, rejuvenation, and transformation, will ALSO enter the very same part of your chart.

Pluto will move into your 11th house of friends, groups, hopes, and wishes this month on January 25. This will be the first time Pluto has been in Capricorn since 1762, as it takes Pluto 246 years or so to circle the Sun and all twelve signs of the zodiac. This will mark a completely unique influence to you, for you've never had Pluto in this house in your lifetime. In fact, no one alive today has experienced Pluto in Capricorn.

As is often the case when a big, heavy-duty planet moves into a new sign, Pluto will make a brief appearance and then leave in mid-June when he retrogrades back into your house of fame and honors over the summer. When Pluto moves back into Capricorn at the end of November 2008, he will be there until early 2024, to stay almost sixteen years! This proves the coming emphasis on friends and groups of people in your chart is not a passing phase but a genuine trend that will last through the coming decade and beyond. Pluto is associated with wealth and power, and your friends will be willing to lend their influence to help you.

The 11th house is ruled by Uranus by nature in any chart, and remarkably, Uranus, ruler of all new technology, is IN Pisces, not to leave until 2011. This is why I said earlier that you have an opportunity to make your mark within a social community (most probably virtual) that you create or join this year.

Before I get to the aspects of January I want to say one thing. For literally years the outer planets (where the true power lies) have dominated by moving in air and fire signs. This left earth and water signs out in the cold, but no more. This month the balance of power is changing dramatically and tipping control back to earth and water, which will benefit you!

Here's the evidence: Pluto has been in fire sign Sagittarius since 1995, and will be in Capricorn, an earth sign, for the coming years.

Jupiter is out of fiery Sagittarius too, and is now ensconced in earthy Capricorn. Uranus has been in water sign Pisces since 2003, and as said, will remain there until 2011. Saturn has been in fire sign Leo and finally moved into Virgo in September, another earth sign, and although it opposes your Sun, it is a complementary sign, so you will gain much from this transit, even if the lessons learned are a bit hard to take at times. (More about Saturn later.)

Neptune is the sole planet not in a compatible sign, but rather in an air sign that will, at least, create bubbles when mixed with water, an effervescent effect. Neptune is not challenging to your sign while in Aquarius; it is neutral. I am enthusiastic about Neptune's position in 2008 for one big reason.

Neptune and Saturn were in a deadlock opposition for 18 months, from 2006-2007 but finally - at long last - Neptune has broken free of Saturn's confining stronghold. That will make an ENORMOUS difference in your outlook. The precise opposition ended in June 2007, but Saturn and Neptune, in my opinion, had to be at least ten degrees apart, something that took most of 2007 to accomplish because both planets move slowly.

Saturn held your feet to the fire, pinning down your ruling planet, Neptune, limiting your movements, and forcing you to be very realistic and practical when thinking creatively. While these are good traits to learn, Saturn limited your movements and may have made you frustrated by the bean counters. While being practical is always a good trait to learn, you felt penned in, and your creativity, always important to a Pisces, was bound by certain requirements. Now you will feel freer. You have learned those lessons, and they are internalized - you won't feel tied down by them.

I will spend a minute or two letting you know what is going on with Saturn now.

Saturn moved into Virgo, your opposite sign, last September for a two-year stay. If you are in a difficult business or personal partnership or marriage, you almost surely had a few tense discussions last year. Some Pisces left those types of unions, if only to preserve their health and mental well-being.

The Pisces who have been under the most pressure are those with birthdays that fall in February. Saturn is currently retrograding back and forth in early degrees of Virgo, giving these early-born Pisces its characteristic "tough love" lessons on the nature of close relationships.

During this phase, if you are a February-born Pisces, you will be the first in your sign to learn to test the reliability and trustworthiness of various types of partners, whether in business or on a personal level. Saturn will go direct on May 2, so from that point on February-born Pisces will have relief. Saturn won't be fully out of the picture for February-born Pisces until the end of August, but it'll be a turning point toward a better trend.

At that point, Saturn will turn its attention to those Pisces with birthdays that fall between March 1 and 11 for the balance of 2008.

Pisces with birthdays that fall after March 12 won't feel Saturn's direct rays until 2009.

Keep in mind that partners aren't the only possible sources of heartache but also true wisdom. Saturn can be a bit of a double-edged sword: Some partners are gems, offering wise guidance, while one or two others will be just the opposite - a thorn in your side! Discerning between the two before you get involved will be your lesson of 2008 and 2009, but one you are rapidly learning. You're a quick study, and in the end, this trend will work to make you stronger and much more seasoned.

Now let's hone in on what is happening for you this month.

This month, keep your eye on the new moon, January 8, which will package all this energy and push it into action. It could usher in weeks of socializing at parties, lunches, dinners, and other fun events. You may also decide to join a new group and make lots of new acquaintances.

January will be the very best month of the year to send your membership application, so if interested, do so without delay. If you are a member of a club, this energy behooves you to get more involved. Sign up on a committee and dig in. You may create a lot of good work for a charity or other purpose and feel great about the managerial skills you develop and show off now.

Uranus will be very prominent at this new moon, so you will receive lightning bolts of energy - lots of positive surprises - and just about your happiest moments will come as a result of actions of friends.

If your birthday falls on (or within five days) of March 7 you will see the energies of this new moon in a big, exciting way!

Venus will enter your social sector on January 24 to February 17, making your interactions a bit more luxurious and special during that phase.

You will also have an opportunity to take an altruistic, humanitarian action. As the last and most evolved and spiritual sign of the zodiac, Pisces always want to help those who suffer. Pisces is indeed exquisitely attuned to others' needs, and this year will have a sterling opportunity to make a difference in dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people's lives. Jupiter will see to that, and by helping others you will help yourself, even though that will not likely even enter your mind.

There is another way this could work out. This month you can count on support from groups that would support your enterprise collectively. Keep thinking of large numbers of people in many groups that you could lasso together to create a larger, more important groundswell by joining forces, if that is applicable.

Here is an example: If you sell something, say, hats or books, know that clubs and groups out there may want to buy them from you, so rather than sell one at a time, you can sell many, all at once.

Whatever you do, you need to act with a sense of urgency because Mercury is about to retrograde from January 28 to February 17. Complete your most important actions well in advance of January 28 and do not act in February at all. (I will tell you why in a moment.)

Mercury rules communication, agreements, all electronic equipment, commerce, negotiations, research, travel, and shipping. All these areas will go haywire when Mercury retrogrades, but you feel the effect even before the retrograde begins. I would like you to have things wrapped up no later than the full moon, January 22.

The reason you should not act after Mercury goes direct next month is that on the heels of Mercury going direct, we have a lunar eclipse in your opposite sign of Virgo, February 20. (One earlier, on February 6, will be in Aquarius - that one will be quite friendly.) You need to see what news the eclipses bring before you can announce changes for the future. Sit tight until early March, for some of your priorities will change, or your attention will shift for a while.

You may have been working on improving the look of your home, and if so, you seem to have stopped recently, mainly because of lack of cash. Mars rules your solar 2nd house of cash flow, and with Mars in retrograde since November 15, you probably had to put on the brakes for a while because cash was short. That shortfall of money will clear up as soon as Mars goes direct on January 30.

Plan to resume your home or family-related project in March, when all the aspects look better for initiating new endeavors.

Watch your health at the time of the full moon, January 22, when a full moon could make you feel drained. It will be clear you will have a lot to do at that time. It appears a project has to be finished and shipped and you'll be working like the Energizer Bunny to get it all done.

This same time of the month, at the full moon, January 22, will be when you may feel ready to hop on the treadmill to shape up your body for the coming swimsuit season. Good idea, dear Pisces. While your motivation is high, check out your options from January 21-26. With Saturn opposed to your Sun, this year you have to promise to take extra good care of yourself. Watch your digestion in particular, and also your feet.

Put a gold star on the day before the full moon, January 21, when Jupiter will reach out to Saturn in a very comforting way. Use this day to forge an alliance with a partner that will likely stand the test of time. It's a four-star day for building a truly important partnership, to do future planning, or to grow closer to a present partner.

The month ends in an exciting way. On January 31 and February 1 Venus will meet Jupiter in a once-a-year conjunction of great beauty and grace. Each year these two meet in various houses, but this year - you guessed it - they will meet in your house of social fun. I know I have asked you to circulate more, but on this day, you must promise me that you will!

Attend a party, take a workshop, go to a club event, speak on a panel - do something that has you rubbing shoulders with many others. You will love this part of the month. If your birthday falls on or near February 26, double that advice!

Your most romantic evenings this month include: January 4, 7 - 8, 11-12, 16 - 17, 21, 29 - 31, and February 1.


A very important social influence is about to blow into your life, and it will transform your lifestyle in a very appreciable way. Ever since Neptune entered your behind-the-scenes sector several years ago, you've been keeping more to yourself - but the social side of you is about to reemerge, with gusto. This is no small trend - with Jupiter set to stay twelve months, and Pluto due to stay until 2024, nearly sixteen years, this is a trend you will notice, absolutely!

Pluto will have you mixing with very powerful, successful people who can help you accomplish your aims. Increasingly, in years to come, it won't be WHAT you know, but WHO - you've done your homework, so now you won't need to work as hard all by yourself. You'll have help!

Keep your eye on January 8, the critically important new moon that will roll all this energy into motion. We can have great aspects, but if we don't have a new moon to set it off, those good aspects can languish a while. You HAVE what you need at this new moon to see lots of excitement. You may be invited to parties and club events, and you may even be drawing up plans to lead an online virtual community or one in real life. You may run for office, or you may start an organization. Charity work and humanitarian concerns will interest you very much in 2008 and will be an area where you make your mark.

You will have a lot going on at home, too, with your actual space, or in terms of family developments. It's a perfect time to spiff up your space to make it look more current. White sales will be going on in January, as well as bargain deals for furniture, so if you've been musing about things you want to do to your home, start putting those stylish ideas into action. Mars has moved back to Gemini and all month will allow you to make your home a true reflection of "you." Mars is currently retrograde all month so your progress may be slow (mainly because money will be tight) but you should be drawing up blueprints to put into action either in early March or early June.

At the full moon, January 22, you seem to realize that to accomplish fitness goals, you'll have to work a little harder and be consistent. This full moon will be your friend, so get some new sneakers and workout gear to jumpstart your plan. If you can begin your reasonable diet plan four days later, on January 26, you should find that you can more easily lose any extra pounds you may have gained over the holidays.

This same full moon will bring lots of busy work to your days that week, so you may need to stay a bit later to get it all done. You may want to schedule a spa message or facial by the end of the week as a treat for having worked so hard.

Romantically, Jupiter and Pluto will help you by having friends introduce you to many types of interesting potential partners from all walks of life - all quite successful and substantial. Both planets, working together, as they will be throughout 2008, will show you that you have grown in an impressive way, and others will want to know more about you. Your cheery optimism and compassionate nature and imaginative style will be an irresistible package. A whole new picture of life is forming, dear Pisces, and it's a much more colorful one than the one you are about to leave. You won't miss your old life - this one is better!

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