Monday, January 7, 2008

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Financially January should prove to be an amazingly strong month. That's got to be good news, for Mars has brought you monster expenses since it entered your 2nd house of income in late September. Rarely have you had to spend so much in such a short period of time. While some of the spending may have been for things you needed or wanted, as well as for holiday gifts, it also appears you have had a number of large unexpected expenses to cover too that added a great deal of stress in past weeks.

Mars will stay in this house until May 9, so spending will keep up until then. After that, things will calm down and you will be able to rest. Right now, Mars is retrograde in Gemini but will turn direct on January 30, so if you experienced an overall feeling of anxiety but could not come up with a concrete plan about what to do about the situation, that would sound right. Mars rules our ability to be assertive, but a weak Mars, especially a weak Mars in your sign of Gemini, has not been one bit helpful. You may feel that conditions are not quite right to fix things, and again you would be right, but things will normalize at January's end.

You may been let down by someone who has not paid their share as promised, or with Mars opposed to planets in Capricorn, you may have had to jump in to help a parent or a child financially, or found you had to put more money into a real estate project or venture than you ever expected. If you are self-employed, you may have had to apply for a business loan to bolster finances there. Whatever your situation, the good news is that this situation will get better sooner than you think.

While admittedly you will be spending large amounts until May 9, you won't feel the sting of these expenses as much as you do now. Best of all, you will soon see more money flow in, and that's sure to provide relief. Let's have a look at those prospects now.

When it comes to hearing about new financial opportunities. Keep your eye on January 8, when the new moon will join the Sun in your 8th house of other people's money. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is already in your 8th house, having quietly entered last month on December 18 for a full year's stay. Jupiter will see to it that you make major money in 2008, and happily, thanks to this friendly new moon on January 8, you should see vital signs that this is true, almost immediately.

This new moon is quite special because it is working in cahoots with Uranus, the planet of surprise, currently based in your 10th house of fame and honors. This suggests that some sort of lucrative deal or situation will suddenly surface this month. Your 10th house is your professional sector, where one's work comes to the attention to everyone in your industry, even your competitors.

Since Uranus will link to Jupiter in your 8th house, it appears you will have a fantastic chance to make money in months to come by the actions you take now, in January. One way or another, cash will be coming your way. The money I see for you won't be a raise in salary (that would be covered by another house of the horoscope) but money that comes to you in one large chunk.

Your money may come in the form of a loan, court settlement, insurance payout, commission, pension payment, financial aid, prize, or outright gift. You would know which is more likely, as I cannot see your chart from where I sit.

If you hope to get approved for a new line of credit at the bank or need a mortgage, refinancing plan, or home improvement loan, apply this month. The same advice holds if you need venture capital or a mortgage / refinancing plan. There are many possible applications; I have just listed a few. No matter what your particular financial needs may be these days, fill out your application on or just after the new moon January 8 when your prospects will be best.

This month take the opportunity to get your finances in shipshape. Review how you spend, save, and invest. On a small scale, you might want to call your cell phone provider to see if you are on the right plan. On a larger scale, you may want to review your stock portfolio with your broker. This is also an excellent month to pull together your receipts and meet with your accountant to file your yearly tax return, and to find out all the deductions you legally qualify for. Almost any investigation, large or small, that you do this month involving your finances is likely to yield results that please you.

If you have been working on a final divorce settlement, consider making a heroic attempt to finish things off this month. If you feel you still have much to discuss, your next opportunity for a good settlement will come on or just after December 27, 2008, the new moon, or in the days that follow. There will also be an opportunity at midyear, on the days surrounding the full moon July 18, but in some ways I like the end of December 2008 better.

If you need to negotiate with the government about a payment plan for back taxes or to pay back a student loan, or if you need to make peace with a credit card company about back payments due, again, the advice is the same. Act just after the new moon appears on January 8.

The way new moons work is that you will have two weeks of opportunity to make a positive change for the twelve months ahead. (We each get but one new moon a year for each of the 12 houses of the horoscope). Even though you have two weeks in which to act after a new moon appears, the new moon's energy will be strongest during the first few days following its appearance. Don't linger too long.

There are other exceptionally strong financial dates to star on your calendar. They include January 21, January 31, and February 1. On the first date, January 21, Jupiter will send a beautiful and rare vibration to Saturn. At month's end, January 31 and February 1, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in your financial house, bringing you even more reason to celebrate. These are all exceedingly rare vibrations you can take full advantage of!

This month, as long as you are in "financial mode," you might want to pick up a few charity raffle tickets or a couple of scratch-off lotto tickets to see how you do. You might also want to enter a contest that has a cash prize. Write that essay, enter a photo, or send a postcard to that sweepstakes on the radio. Volunteer to be a TV game contestant. Whatever you do, do it with a sense of fun. Don't spend too much, though - just a little! See what happens!

Adding more emphasis to all these financial matters that come under the umbrella of "other people's money" is more big news - the arrival of Pluto to your 9th house for the first time in your life! This is headline news! Pluto has not been in Capricorn - and in Gemini's 8th house - since 1762!

You may say, how can that be, that Pluto takes so long to be in that part of my horoscope? The answer is that Pluto spins on the outermost rim of our solar system, so it takes Pluto approximately 246 years to circle the Sun and move through all twelve signs of the zodiac. Pluto will enter this financial area of your chart this month on January 25 but will retrograde at midyear for five months. Once Pluto reenters your 8th house in late November 2008, this planet will be in your 8th house for over fifteen years!

Pluto is at home in the 8th house, for it is a planet that is associated with money and power. In fact, Pluto naturally rules the 8th house, so when a planet is "comfortable" in a house, as Pluto will be for you, it is said to have special dignity and exert its powers more naturally and easily.

In ancient days Pluto and the 8th house were associated only with legacies and inheritances, but in modern days we extend Pluto's domain beyond those areas to other areas that didn't exist back then - to royalties, licensing deals, commissions, pensions, and other chunks of cash that we all consider to be outside of normal salary. This means that this emphasis on money will not be temporary, but rather a long, important trend that is just starting up now.

You are being given a sterling chance to build wealth over coming years. Pluto will demand an all-out focus and a willingness to learn money management. If you don't focus, then there's a chance that the money you do see could be frittered away.

Start to get ready this month by taking a class, or by asking friends for a recommendation for a money manager who is trustworthy and qualified to guide you. Take baby steps if you like, like opening up a retirement account or starting to save for a house. Investigate government programs and scholarships if you need money to go to college - Pluto could be very helpful to you with those types of programs. Avoid like the plague all get-rich-quick and pyramid schemes. Be aware if you borrow money with Pluto in this house that it may take longer to pay back than you anticipate, so borrow only what you absolutely need.

After all this focus on money management, you will need a change of pace. Happily, one is due to come to you later this month at the full moon.

Watch for an opportunity to take a quick, short trip at the full moon in Leo, January 22. This would be true even if you have not planned to go anywhere this month! Nothing makes a Gemini happier than the idea of getting on the road, so if you can flee town, do, for it will do you a world of good. There is some indication that the trip would be done for business, but even so, you would enjoy getting away.

It also appears that you may have considered the idea of visiting a certain location you loved when you visited it years ago, but haven't been back to over the years due to obstacles that got in the way. Now you can go back, and just looking around this town will likely bring back a flood of memories.

This full moon will be especially strong and favorable if your birthday falls on or within five days of May 22.

This same full moon may also bring a final contract for your signature, and if you feel you are ready to sign, and your lawyer agrees, do so immediately.

I say this because Mercury is about to retrograde on January 28 until February 17, so as you near the end of the month, it will not be wise to sign any papers or launch any new ventures during that phase. In fact, you need to keep as much space between your sign date and January 28 as possible. Mercury is always at its worst on the start and end dates of its retrograde, and in the days surrounding those dates.

Mercury rules communication, agreements, commerce, transportation, and shipping. When Mercury is out of phase, it has a negative effect on all these areas. It's considered a very adverse time to sign contracts or to launch new ventures during a retrograde. It is also very unwise to buy expensive things, especially not electronics items or machines with moving parts. While you have good aspects in the first three weeks of January, act then!

This is all very ironic, that your ruling planet Mercury will shut down for over three weeks at the end of January just as Mars is about to zoom forward in Gemini. Mars in strong, swift speed as of January 20 will make you even more anxious to jump on projects and run with them at precisely the wrong time. Alas, you need to go slowly, for the situation is far less stable than you think.

Decisions you make are likely not to hold because new conditions will be rapidly entering the picture and they will shift your priorities as well as the criteria on which you are basing your decisions. Not only will Mercury be retrograde, but February will also bring two eclipses, February 6 and 20. Until you see what those will bring, it would be best to keep all your options open.

Mars rules your house of friendship, so with Mars moving forward on January 30, you will find that your social life will take a happy upward turn, and that's always good news.

In regard to a close relationship - and here I am talking about ANY close relationship in your life - you may be caught off guard by a difficult, pushy person near January 1 or 2. Mars in Gemini will oppose Pluto in Sagittarius then, and you may be shocked at how forcefully this person will try to dominate you at this time. When you experience this incident, you will still be dealing with a retrograde Mars, so your efforts to defend yourself won't be as effective as they will be later in the month. You may have to pacify this person for now, but bide your time, as the month gets better as you go on.

The beautiful interplay between Jupiter and Saturn on January 22 could bring a welcome milestone moment, and will help you feel calmer about your money situation. If you have been helping a family member or spending a lot on a real estate buy or improvement plan, developments on this day should warm your heart. At long last you will know you have done the right thing, and that your efforts will lead to long-term security. The money you will need will be there for you, too, so have your meeting with whoever is on your agenda, confident that in the end, things will go your way.

Romantically, attached Gemini will have the edge in January, for Venus will tour your committed relationship sector from the start of the month until January 24. Venus will bring a full moon effect to matters of the heart, only not for a day or two, but for three weeks, so you should find January to be quite extraordinary for romance.

On top of that, Mars has cycled back into Gemini, making your charms more apparent. Mars will make you sought after and on everyone's party A-list. On January 19, Venus will dance with Mars, meriting this evening a gold star, for your magnetism should reach all-time highs.

One of your very best days of the month - and possibly of the year - will be when Venus makes its annual meeting with Jupiter, due February 1. You will feel this aspect as it nears mathematical perfection from January 30 to February 1. Venus rules your solar 5th house of true love, and she will meet Jupiter in the 8th house of physical affection.

I tell you this now, so you can get ready, dear Gemini. This should be a highly romantic day. If you are in love, or have been dating someone you have genuinely tender feelings for, this day's for you. I give this day four stars, so get started now by planning a wonderful evening together.

Romantic evenings: January 4, 10, 18 - 19, 21 - 23, 26 - 27, 30 - 31, and February 1.


The beginning of the New Year has you enthusiastic about gaining solid control of your money by making wise decisions this month about investments, saving, and spending. Your spirit will be joyful because it looks like you will soon have a generous sum to manage.

The cash you have at your disposal may represent a recent commission or royalty payment made to you or a generous gift that someone sent to you late last month. Or, it may represent a needed loan to start your business or a mortgage to buy a house. Muse about your various options and do your research, perhaps by getting expert advice. Be ready to announce a decision at your most superb moment for financial matters, the new moon January 8 and in days to follow.

The same time of the month - the week of January 8 (working as close to January 8 as possible) - would be a terrific time to enter a contest or play a scratch-off game, for you might win a prize. No matter if it's big or little, it's always fun to win!

Near the full moon, January 22, a trip that you had not anticipated is likely to come up. That's fine - Gemini is always up for a fun getaway. Travel never fails to invigorate you! Work for a boss or client seems to be on the agenda, but you'll easily be able to mix in a little fun, too. This journey will take you only a short distance, but even so, you will relish the accommodations and your overall surroundings.

Your guardian planet Mercury will retrograde for over three weeks beginning on January 28. Do everything in your power to make decisions as early in January as you possibly can, leaving space before Mercury begins its reversal. Actions taken during a Mercury retrograde phase (or leading up to one) will not work out as planned. Plan to resume normal activities in March, even though Mercury will resume forward motion February 17. In the meantime, do more research and ask lots of questions.

Indeed, this could turn out to be a very affectionate, sexy month. With so many planets moving through your 8th house, you'll be in the mood to show your feelings in a very loving, demonstrative way.

Keep your eye on a very special time of the month, when Venus and Jupiter will make their once-a-year meeting, fantastic for those who have a beloved partner: January 31 and February 1. For those, Valentine's Day may well come two weeks early. Even those who don't have a partner may benefit - you may meet someone with whom you have quite a sexy spark. Enjoy the month, dear Gemini.

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